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GUEST POST: Kerry Lyons AKA @kezza_sw

I wanted to create an area on this blog where i could share the stories of some of the people who have inspired me, first up I asked the AMAZEBALLS Kerry Lyons (@kezza_sw, if she would be willing to be the first guest post on here. She was one of the first Swinstababes I followed when I started on my journey and I think of her as such an inspiration that I wanted to share her story with you lovely lot.


“So I joined Slimming World Early 2015 and weighed in at 19 stone 6lbs, I’d been obese pretty much since I got pregnant and had my daughter at 19, I comfort ate through loneliness, I was a young teenage mum with no family or friends around so it was tough.


As the years went on I just got bigger and bigger till there was a point when I was 29 and it hit me time was passing me by and I really didn’t want to enter my 30s big and unhealthy.


So yeah, I joined Slimming World and the rest is history as they say, I hit a loss of 10 stone exactly in March 2016 so it took me 13 months to get there, it wasn’t easy but it was so worth it.


I stuck to plan 100% all through that time, made sure I mixed my meals up, changed my healthy extras and introduced new foods, the key for me was plenty of speed food and water.

Since reaching target things have been a little more difficult, balancing my weight and new found life is tough, I’m just making up for my lost years I guess. Something I have reminded myself is life is for living and making memories so remember this is a journey not a race, I got very caught up in the whole weight loss thing and now I am struggling because of it, enjoy the ride, don’t be hard on yourself and as long as you never give up you will reach your goal, just have a little faith in yourself and you will go far.


My journey hasn’t ended, in fact it’s now part two. I’ve gained a little weight over the summer as I have been having a ball, but this time I am enjoying the ride, not being hard on myself and remembering this is a lifestyle change forever.”

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